소프트웨어융합대학 - 소프트웨어학과
- 031-299-4798
- yjko@skku.edu
- N센터 4층 86409호실
자연어처리(대화시스템, 질의응답시스템 등), 정보검색(생성형 IR 등), 생성형 AI(제어가능한 자연어 생성(Controllable Text Generation-CTG) 등), 언어모델(small Language Model-sLM), 검색증강생성(Retrieval Augmented Generation-RAG), 텍스트마이닝(문서 분류/요약 등)
- 031-290-7104
- jy.bak@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27306호실
인공지능, 기계학습, 자연어처리
- 031-290-7103
- hogunpark@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27310A호실
Machine Learning, Explainable AI(XAI), Knowledge Discovery, Relational learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Graph Mining
- 031-299-4584
- dongkun@skku.edu
- 반도체관 3층 400310호실
머신러닝최적화, On-Device AI, ML 가속기 (NPU/PIM), 운영체제, 파일시스템, 스토리지
- 031-290-7126
- sungkil@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27328호실
GPU rendering, Deep Learning, VR, GPU algorithms, Optics, Global illumination
- 031-290-7691
- jinkyu.lee@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27322B호실
1. Real-Time Scheduling and Systems: Timing guarantees for safety- and mission-critical systems └ ML for RT & RT for ML: Machine learning for real-time systems, and timing guarnatee for machine learning 2. Software Defined Batteries: Improvement of battery performance through computer science/engineering principles 3. Mobile Computing and Systems: Facilitating new functions for mobile devices without additional hardware
- 031-299-4957
- pauljeong@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85468호실
Cyber-Physical Systems Vehicular Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Computing
- 031-299-4267
- jpjeong@skku.edu
스마트팩토리, Industrial AI, Anomaly detection, Manufacturing data analytics, AI-enabled fault diagnosis and prognosis, 5G-based smart manufacturing
- 031-290-7132
- thcho@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27330호실
Intelligent System Modeling and Simulation Network Security Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) Ubiquitous System Security Enterprise Resource Planning
- 부교수 컴퓨터 아키텍처
- 조형민
- 031-290-7698
- hyungmin.cho@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85470호실
Computing Platforms for Machine Learning Processor Architecture Hardware Reliability
- 031-299-4594
- hhan@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85568호실
병렬-분산 시스템 / 빅데이터 분석 시스템 / 비휘발성 메모리를 위한 시스템SW