소프트웨어융합대학 - 스마트팩토리융합학과
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- 031-299-4595
- ikjun@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85570호실
overlay networks for content distribution performance enhancement of mobile wireless networks cooperative communications for multi-hop wireless networks cognitive radio networks
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- 031-299-4267
- jpjeong@skku.edu
스마트팩토리, Industrial AI, Anomaly detection, Manufacturing data analytics, AI-enabled fault diagnosis and prognosis, 5G-based smart manufacturing
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- 교수 통신및신호처리
- 정민영
- 031-290-7972
- mychung@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21203B호실
Performance Evaluation and Design of Communication Networks/Systems Next Generation Wireless Communication Networks 3GPP LTE, 4G, and B4G Communication Systems Cooperative Communications Wireless LAN/PAN Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications Heterogeneous Networks with Small Cells
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- 031-290-7154
- john@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27308A호실
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Federated Learning, Medical Image Analysis, User Modeling & Recommender System, Text Mining , Pattern Analysis, Outlier Detection,
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- 031-290-7145
- choo@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27304호실
Data Deep Learning (Life log, SKT Networks, Baseball Games) Medical Image Processing (Eye Fundus, OCT, Bone and Chest) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and Transformer Reinforcement Learning and Mobile Edge (MEC) Intelligent Internet of Things (AI-IoT) Network Softwarization (NetSoft-SDN/NDF) “Autonomous” Ad hoc and Sensor Networks Human Things Interactions (Robot, Drone, Energy)
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- 031-290-7458
- boong33@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 3층 23310호실
Structure Integrity & Reliability Assessment IT Based Mechanical Design & Convergence Design
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- 031-299-4841
- cryu@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 3층 23318호실
Clean energy technologies for fossil and renewable fuels Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for energy processes Combustion, gasification, pyrolysis of coal and biomass
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- 031-290-7467
- sangwonl@skku.edu
스마트 생산 시스템 및 스마트 공장 지속가능한 친환경 생산 공정 및 3D 프린팅 공정 융합 기반 디자인 및 혁신 교육
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- 031-299-4842
- hyungpil at skku dot edu
- 제1공학관21동 3층 21321호실
Robotic manipulation Autonomous vehicle/mobile robot Sensor and actuators Robotic applications of machine learning
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- 031-290-7449
- choihyoukryeol@gmail.com
- 제1공학관21동 3층 21327호실
In-pipe robot Quadruped Walking Robot Dexterous Manipulation & Robot Hand Surgical robot system with Tactile sensor Coanda UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Artificial Muscle Actuator Flexible Tactile/Proximity Sensor 6-aixs Force/Torque sensor, Torque sensor
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- 031-299-4957
- pauljeong@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85468호실
Cyber-Physical Systems Vehicular Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Computing
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- 031-299-4324
- hyoung@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85572호실
Security engineering Social network analysis Human authentication Usable security
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- 031-290-7104
- jy.bak@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27306호실
인공지능, 기계학습, 자연어처리
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- 부교수 지능형비전
- 박천수
- 02-760-0678
- cspk@skku.edu
- 호암관 11층 51109호실
컴퓨터 비전 인공지능SW Pedestrian attribute recognition
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- 부교수 Computer Science
- 우홍욱
- 031-290-7966
- hwoo@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85560호실
Reinforcement Learning, Embodied Agent, System Intelligence
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- 031-299-4958
- kevin.koo@g.skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27316B호실
소프트웨어 보안, 시스템 보안, AI를 활용한 보안, 신규 기술 보안