자연과학대학 - 화학과
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- 교수
- 고두현
- 031-290-5938
- dhko@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330429호실
- Plasmonics for spectrum conversion system - Synthesis & characterization for up- & down-conversion material - Polymer morphology control for bulk-heterojunction photovoltaics - Deep learning methodology for polymer morphology control
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- 031-290-7700
- khkim83@skku.edu
- 약학관 7층 530728호실
Chemical biology of natural products Isolation and structural elucidation of novel natural products from termite-associated microbes Structural elucidation and discovery biological activities of natural compounds from Korean wild mushroom and fungi
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- 031-290-5939
- wonhwalee@skku.edu
∙ Molecular research on sepsis and respiratory diseases ∙ Fundamental mechanisms involved in blood and lymphatic vessel function, atherogenesis, blood coagulation, and inflammation ∙ Theragnostic biomaterials for infectious diseases and cancers ∙ Bio-efficacy evaluation biochip-platform using human immune system