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- 031-290-5906
- djkang@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32360A호실
Growth and device applications of inorganic nanostructured materials / Development of novel flexible and wearable electronics / Development of nonconventional pattern transfer techniques / Growth and device applications of 2D atomic crystals / Power electronic device applications and physics of phase transition in VO2
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- 031-290-5904
- wnkang@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31153호실
Growth of superconducting thin films by a PLD (pulsed laser deposition) and a HPCVD (hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition) techniques and study of physical properties for superconductors such as cuprates superconductors, Fe-based superconductors, and MgB2 superconductors. By using PPMS (physical property measurement system) and MPMS ( magnetic property measurement system), we investigate vortex dynamics in the mixed states in the wide temperature ranges of 2-300 K and the magnetic field ranges up to 9 Tesla.
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- 교수
- 고두현
- 031-290-5938
- dhko@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330429호실
- Plasmonics for spectrum conversion system - Synthesis & characterization for up- & down-conversion material - Polymer morphology control for bulk-heterojunction photovoltaics - Deep learning methodology for polymer morphology control
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- 교수 응용수학
- 권순학
- 031-290-7031
- shkwon@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31358호실
Computer arithmetic for cryptographic use, Computational methods of applied number theory
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- 031-290-7070
- ywkwon@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330411호실
My research interests on materials issues related with environment and energy. Currently, my group is focusing on two separate projects. In one of them, we are trying to develop CO2absorbentsthatcanbeusedrepetitivelyinthetemperaturerangeof300-500캜. Such a material is considered to be an integral part for the development of a carbon capture process which may become a major workhorse in reducing the emission of CO2and,hence,inaddressingtheissueofglobalwarming.Intheotherproject,wearetryingtounderstandandutilizesonochemistryinobtainingnovelnanomaterials.Especially,wehavedevelopedanewreactionschemetosynthesizecore-shellnanoparticleswithPtintheshellandvariousmetalsinthecore,whichfeaturesarehighlysoughtforinmanyapplicationfieldsincludingcatalysisforfuelcells.
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- 031-299-4495
- jykwon@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 2층 32257호실
All animals are born with a set of instincts, or innate behaviors, and our main questions are how complex behaviors are organized in the nervous system and how they are programmed during development. For this, the chemosensory system would be one of the most excellent models. Smell and taste are known to be important for sensing predators, selecting mates as well as finding food. We would like to trace the neuronal pathways that mediate a complex instinctive behavior such as feeding, from sensory input through to motor output. We are using the fruit fly as a model system to study chemosensation.
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- 명예교수 대수학
- 김미경
- mkkim@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31309호실
My main interests lie in commutative algebra. The basic object I study is a commutative Noetherian ring R. I have worked on concern the structure of various algebras associated with an ideal (especially the Rees algebra, R[It], and the associated graded ring), Cohen-Macaulay rings, Gorenstein rings, regular rings, and the integral closure of ideals.
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- 부교수 핵물리실험
- 김범규
- 031-290-7053
- kimbyumkyu@skku.edu
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- 031-299-4541
- beomjun@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31306A호실
Statistical physics, complex systems
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- 명예교수
- 김병택
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- 031-290-7069
- skkim@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330310호실
Spectroscopy, Nanochemistry, Computational chemistry
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Topics in Financial Mathematics like Credir Risk Analysis and Pricing of financial market instruments are mainly included in my research interests and applications of stochastic analysis to Bio-science are also important parts of my research field. The development of numerical methods and algorithms to improve accuracy and speed of convergence established theoretically in the procedure of research investigation can be added for opulent and fruitful study results.
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- 조교수
- 김승원
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32311호실
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- 031-299-4499
- sonchus96@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32105호실
I am primarily interested in systematics and evolutionary biology of plants. In particular, I am interested in the origin and evolution of plant endemics on oceanic islands, including the Macaronesian Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and Jeju and Ulleung Island in Korea. I am also interested in revealing complex evolutionary history of polyploidy and homoploidy lineages of flowering plants. Additional research interests include conservation genetics of rare and endangered species, population genetics of invasive weedy species, ethnobotany, plant domestication, and phylogeography of east Asian plants. A variety of techniques and molecular markers are utilized to unravel the phylogenetic patterns and underlying processes generating plant diversity.
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- 031-299-4563
- ygkimmit@skku.edu
- 화학관 5층 330508호실
The main research theme in my laboratory is synthetic biology, which is an emerging field that covers wide range of areas, from the classical protein engineering to metabolic engineering. Since my Ph.D study, I have been interested in nucleic acid binding proteins as well as nucleic acids. Most works have focused on developing new tools to control gene expression and designing new proteins with novel functions. Currently research topics in my lab can be classified as follows: Protein and Nucleic acid chemistry: Structural and functional study of protein-nucleic acid interaction. Bioengineering: Developing tools for molecular biology and gene therapy. Nanobio-Chemisty: Assembling nanostructures using biomaterials and inorganic materials.
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- 부교수 고체물리학
- 김영국
- 031-299-4542
- youngkuk@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31201A호실
응집물질물리이론, 제일원리계산, 위상 밴드 이론, 위상 물질, 낮은 차원 물질, 강상관 물질, 에너지 물질
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- 031-299-4564
- ydkim91@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330316호실
My group works in a variety of research field related to surface and interface chemistry. Using thin films technologies, surface of nanostructures is modified and these structures are used as catalysts or adsorbents for efficient removal of pollutant from the wastewater and air. Thin films of hydrophobic polymers can be deposited on nanostructures to fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces with additional functionalities such as optical transparence and electronic conductivity. My group is also active in the field of fundamental surface physical chemistry. Currently, oxidation of organic semiconductive polymer is of our interest, which can be studied using photoelectron spectroscopy and other analysis techniques. My group also works on size-selected clusters within international cooperation with the University of Konstanz in Germany.
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- 명예교수
- 김용태
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- 031-290-7051
- yoonbai@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31305호실
Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
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- 명예교수 해석학
- 김인숙
My research interests are nonlinear eigenvalue problems including bifurcation theory, applications to elliptic boundary value problems involving the p-Laplacian in a bounded or unbounded domain. Recently we are concerned with semi-linear equations with symmetric or non-symmetric linear part, where the method is to use the degree theory for appropriate classes of nonlinear operators.
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- 031-299-4816
- jangsookim@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31256B호실
Enumerative Combinatorics, Algebraic Combinatorics
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- 031-290-7009
- jhkbio@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32111호실
Marine Ecology Laboratory of Sungkyunkwan University carries out a variety of research projects concerning Korean marine environments, which include 1) ecological monitoring of marine benthic habitats with regard to global warming and seawater temperature changes, 2) population ecological works of introduced species and endangered species for their conservation perspectives, 3) molecular ecological works on populations of seaweeds and marine invertebrates, 4) urchin barrens (백화현상) and recovery of kelp forest. Most of these projects have been conducted with international and domestic research co-work teams. Researches in my lab covers from field experimental works to molecular ecological works.
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- 부교수 생명정보학, 계산유전체학
- 김준호
계산유전체학, 생명정보학, NGS 분석기법 및 알고리즘 개발, 체성 돌연변이 분석, 단일 세포 유전체학
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- 031-290-5930
- jimankim@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330405호실
Research interests of our group are various aspects of science and technology, ranging from fundamental research to possible industrial applications. Our researches are focused on design and synthesis of noble nanoporous materials, especially mesoporous materials, and nanostructured materials such as nanoparticles and nanowires. The nanoporous materials have attracted much attention in the fields of nano-chemistry, nanotechnology, and supramolecular chemistry due to their ordered nano-porosity (1~30nm). Generally, the nanoporous materials are synthesized by self-assembly and polymerization between organic pore generator and inorganic framework precursors. We have been developing new synthetic strategies for the materials in order to give new structures and functionalities. Applications of the nanoporous materials as the catalytic, electronic and energy materials are also our main interests.
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- 조교수
- 김지연
- 031-290-7004
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32114호실
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- 부교수
- 김진섭
- 031-290-7014
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32362호실
커넥토믹스: 뇌세포와 신경회로의 구조와 기능 계산신경과학: 신경 미세회로의 연산 기전 지각, 인지, 행동 등 뇌기능의 생물학적-물리적 근원
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- 교수 대수학(정수론)
- 김창헌
- 031-299-4815
- chhkim@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31359호실
Number Theory (modular forms and elliptic curves)
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- 031-290-7002
- chkimbio@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32103호실
Research interests are the field of glycomics and glycobiology, expecially on sphingolipid, ceramide and sialic acid-containing sphingolipids, ganglioside. Academic findings: Hepatic B Viral hepatocarcinoma and PTEN (Cancer Res 2003), asialo-1 acid glycoprotein in liver cirrhosis and carcinoma (Hepatol Res, 2003), GlcNAc:βMan1,4GlcNAcT-III in hepatitis (Glycoconj J, 2003), MMP-9/2 and α-fetoproteins in HBV hepatitis (J. Gastroent Hepatol 2004), HBV metastatic (FASEB J. 2004), Hepatic GnT-V and GnT-III-ApoB100 (JBC. 2004), Disialo GD3 in VSMC (JBC. 2004), therapeutic hepatocarcinoma cells (FASEB J. 2004), TG-2 in leukemia (FEBS Lett. 2004), N-GlcNAcT-III in HBV (J Gastroent Hepatol, 2004), Monosialyl GM3 in leukemic differentiation (Glycobiology 2005), MMP-9 in IVF (British J Obstetrics and Gynecol. 2005), disialo GD3 Fas-T cells (Glycobiology 2006), GM3 in PTEN (Glycobiology 2006), ROS in sialic GD3-cell (FASEB J 2006), AP-2a in GM3-PTEN (Glycobiology 2008), sialidase in leukemia (BBA 2008), GM3-VEGFR-2 interaction (Glycobiology 2009), GD3 in breast cancer (Biological Chemistry 2009), pig CMAH and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Biochem J 2010), pST6GalNAc IV for Neu5Aca2-3Galb1-3GalNAc (Glycoconj J 2011), GM3 in TGF-β1-induced EMT (Biochem J. 2013), VEGFR-2 in neovascularization (J Mol Medicine 2013), monosialyl GM3 (Plos One 2014) and TGF-receptor (Int. J. of Biochem. Cell Biol. 2014), Sialyl Le A/X of HBx (Mol Cancer 2014, J Cell Biochem 2015). Housekeeping promoter 5'pcmah-2 of CMP-NeuGc gene (Glycoconj 2016), GD1b Apoptosis of MCF-7 (IJMS 2016), Human ST8Sia VI (α2,8-Sialyltransferase) Gene (IJMS 2016), GD2-ICAMI (IJMS 2017), Sialyllactose VEGFR-2 activation, GD3/a1AR/TG2, AApoB100-GM3, GM3-macrophage (JCB, 2017, 2018), Sirt1-FcεRI- mast cell AMPK (Sci Rep, 2017), ASC/LPS (PloS One 2017), 4-o-cASC (JCB, JSMB 2018), SARS-CoV-2-sialylation. Lectin-Glycan (IJMS, 2020),CMP-NeuGc (Sci Rep 2019), AC (FP), 3-SL-sIGLEC (Glycoconj J 2020), Avc(FP, 2021, IJMS 2021)
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- 조교수 분석화학, 분광학
- 김태연
- 031-290-7065
- taeyeon@skku.edu
- 화학관 5층 330512호실
Our research group is interested in understanding and controlling various photoinduced dynamics such as energy transfer, charge transfer, intersystem crossing, and so on. We aim to explore fundamental mechanisms that drive such dynamics using spectroscopic measurements at a molecular level. Also, we aim to address how specific structures and molecular interactions can affect photoinduced dynamics at a molecular level. Our findings will help designing efficient optoelectronic devices including photocatalysts, organic light-emitting diodes, and solar cells.
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- 부교수
- 김홍숙
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32110호실
암생물학, 발생생물학, 후성유전학, 유전체학, 정밀의료, 유전자 발현
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- 조교수 고에너지 천체물리
- 노창동
- 031-290-7043
- cdr397@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32357호실
감마선 천체물리, 천체입자물리 실험, HAWC, SWGO, 쌍성계
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- 031-290-5931
- dhryu@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330605호실
Major research interests are the development of asymmetric organic catalyst and its application to asymmetric reaction, total synthesis of biologically important molecules, chemical biology based on natural product and functional organic compounds. In details, my group develops various catalysts including chiral cation organocatalyst, DMAP based organocatalyst, chiral NHC catalyst and chiral combined Lewis acid catalyst. With these catalysts, my group studies new catalytic asymmetric reaction. For examples, asymmetric one-pot multicomponent reaction, asymmetric C-H, C-C functionalization, asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction and so on. With developed synthetic methodology, my group synthesizes useful bioactive natural products and its derivatives or functional organomaterials.
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- 031-299-4543
- tp8701@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 2층 51203호실
Superconductivity & novel quantum phases that emerge near T=0 K
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- 031-299-4526
- bpark43@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 3층 51314호실
Harmonic analysis, Multilinear operators, Theory of function spaces, Wavelet theory
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- 031-290-5912
- parks@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32366호실
TGF-beta is a pivotal cytokine which is involved in a variety of cellular functions. Our group has been focused on the signaling pathways mediated by TGF-beta superfamily cytokines regarding cancer progression and anti-inflammation during the past decade. Our current research focuses on the identification of novel mechanism of TGF-beta or BMP-mediated tumorigenesis and metastasis. In addition, we are also doing the studies about how specific signaling pathways in the inflammation and cancer biology are regulated by ubiquitination and deubiquitinating mechanism. Through these diverse approaches, the final goal in our group is to understand the molecular mechanisms regarding cancer and inflammation and subsequently to identify therapeutic target proteins to treat cancer and inflammation.
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- 031-299-4544
- sunghapark@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 1층 51101B호실
The Lab is focused on the experimental bio and nano sciences including but not limited to the followings; Structural DNA Nanotechnology, DNA Machine and Replicator, DNA Algorithm and DNA Computer, and DNA Device and DNA Sensor.
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- 명예교수
- 박승철
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- 명예교수 동물생리학
- 박영민
A Role of Annexins and Phospholipase A2 in the Regulation of Insulin SecretionAnnexins are a superfamily of proteins that are expressed in the majority of mammalian cells as well as molds and plants. A notable characteristic of all the members is that they bind to phospholipids in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Various annexins play a regulatory role in the exocytosis of secretory vesicles in adrenal chromaffin cells, anterior pituitary cells, and pancreatic ?cells. In these cells, intracellulaf annexins play a role in the regulation of exocysis of secretory vesicles. However, the regulatory mechanisms of intracellular annexin I on the secretory machinery have yet to be fully explained.The phopholipase A2 (PLA2, phosphatide 2-acylhydrolase, EC is a superfamily of distinct enzymes that catalyze specifically the hydrolysis of the sn-2 eter bond of phospholipids to yield free fatty acids and lysophospholipids. PLA2 enzymes have been implicated to play a role in various cellular processes and responses such as phospholipid digestion and metabolism, membrane remoldelling, host defense, differentiation, mitogenesis, exocytosis, and cytotoxicity.We currently investigate the regulatory mechanisms of annexins and phospholipase A2 on the insulin secretion in pancreatic islets and insulimona cells to gain an insight into its mode of action.
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- 명예교수
- 박윤창
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- 031-299-4521
- parkj@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31251C호실
Differential Geometry, Global Analysis Harmonic spaces, Geometric structures on manifolds, Spectral Geometry
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- 명예교수
- 박종윤
- N센터 2층 86286호실
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- 교수 감염 및 염증질환
- 배외식
- 031-290-5914
- yoesik@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32302B호실
We are interested in the development of bioactive molecules that can be used to treat infectious or inflammatory diseases. Our major target diseases include polymicrobial sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon cancer. To generate useful target molecules that can be used to develop therapeutic agents against these infectious or inflammatory diseases, we are focusing on several chemoattractant G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Since leukocyte trafficking in vivo is a crucial event that modulate immune and inflammatory responses, and chemotactic GPCRs mediate these response, the receptors can be considered as important primary targets to control infectious or inflammatory disorders. Currently, we are testing the effects and mechanism of action of chemotactic GPCR ligands against these diseases in experimental animal models.
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I am interested in following three research fields: 1) As a first project, we have been focusing on the molecular differentiation of DC subsets from bone marrow progenitor cells and their immunogenicity and immune regulation. 2) Second project is the study on the role and functions of p53 and PKR under stress conditions, such as HIV-1 infection, genotoxic stresses, inflammatory stresses etc. 3) Third project is a development of mucosal CTL vaccines using poliovirus vector system.
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- 교수 확률론
- 배종식
- 031-290-7027
- jsbae@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31307호실
Probability and statistics
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- 031-290-7062
- hybae@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330629호실
We are a young and active organic chemistry research group based at Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea. Our research interests span from the invention of new catalytic organic transformations to the design of novel catalysts to uncover previously unexplored pathways. The primary research direction pursued in our group is, to exploit fundamental homogeneous catalysis as a tool for further multidisciplinary and practical applications in the synthesis of biologically relevant molecules, materials science, and biological science.
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- 031-290-7072
- jhboo@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330319호실
Synthesis of Advanced Functional Materials for IT, ET, NT & BT Applications (OTFTs, OLEDs, Sensors, etc.)
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- 부교수 해석학
- 서이혁
- 031-299-4817
- ihseo@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32356B호실
Fourier Analysis, Nonlinear Dynamics
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My research interests are threefold: (1) Theoretical study on the electronic structure of molecules: Development of efficient quantum mechanical methods, e.g. the effective valence shell Hamiltonian formalism, and applications of quasidegenerate many-body perturbation theory to molecular systems. (2) Theoretical study on the dissociation dynamics of small molecules: Development of new simple quantum mechanical method for the dissociation process of van der Waals bonds, and applications of the self-consistent-field theory to molecular vibrations. Theoretical study on finding supersymmetric chemical systems and on supersymmetry related relativistic quantum mechanics.
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- 031-290-5900
- bsohn@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32310B호실
Thin film growth | Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
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- 031-290-5932
- sson@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330423호실
My research interests are synthesis of microporous organic polymers and their applications to energy, bio, and environmental systems. Through introduction of inorganic nanomaterials to microporous organic polymers, tailored functional materials have been developed. Especially, my research group in SKKU has applied organic-inorganic composites system for electrode materials of lithium ion battery, green catalysts, and drug delivery materials.
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Electrochemical biosensors based on conducting polymer microstructures Electrochemical ion separation with a conducting polymer modified porous membrane Study molecular insulation layer for molecular devices Development of recycling process of rare resources from discarding LCD Sensor materials detecting industrial hazard leaks inducing a fatal wound
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- 031-299-4567
- songcs@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330428호실
1. 기능성 분자 및 감응성 젤: 기능성 고분자 및 유기 분자, 감응성 연성 젤 설계 및 합성 2. 이온 전도성 막: 센서 및 에너지 분야 적용을 위한 이온 전도성 멤브레인 개발 3. 지속 가능 플라스틱: 바이오매스 유래 지속가능 및 생분해 고분자 설계 및 합성 4. 방빙 소재: 브러쉬 구조 고분자 등을 활용한 방빙 및 인공윤활 소재 개발
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- 031-290-7063
- kmshin@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330612호실
The main research interest in our research group is to develop novel dual-catalytic systems for challenging chemical transformations. In detail, we focus on the development of dual-transition metal-catalyzed asymmetric hydrofunctionalization of unsaturated hydrocarbons and metallaphotoredox-catalyzed mild C(sp3)-H functionalization. We also eager to understand the reaction mechanism of the developed catalytic methods by capturing and analyzing the reaction intermediates.
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- 명예교수
- 안운선
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- 031-290-5901
- jrahn@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31155A호실
그래핀, 2차원 양자 물질, 반도체, 인공지능
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- 부교수
- 양시영
- 031-219-5924
- yangsy@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32108호실
관절염 자가면역질환 치료제
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Dark Energy, Alternatives to Einstein’s General Relativity, Gravity theory with Extra Dimensions, Conformal Symmetry and Gravity, Finsler Geometry
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- 031-290-7052
- intaeyu@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31104호실
Particle Physics Experiment
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- 부교수 Biophysics
- 유제중
- 031-290-7049
- jejoong@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31202호실
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- 명예교수 유기화학
- 유찬모
Design of new asymmetric reactions and their synthetic applications: i. Asymmetric catalysis ii. Asymmetric carbonyl additions iii. Natural products synthesis
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- 031-290-7032
- sbyun01@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31256A호실
My main research interests lies in the theoretic and numerical study of kinetic equations arising in the kinetic theory of gases, such as the Boltzmann equation or BGK type models.
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- 명예교수
- 윤석왕
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- 031-290-7071
- ssyoon@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330623호실
Organic Electronic Materials Chemical sensors
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- 031-299-4568
- wsyun87@skku.edu
- 화학관 5층 330514호실
Nano Analytical Chemistry Nanobio sensors based on nanodevices and materials, particulary on nanogaps Probing and utilizing material properties evolving on scaling Development of nanofabrication techniques based on chemical processes Research on precision nano analytical means & tools
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- 031-299-4561
- jaesook@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330611호실
My research interests include the development of synthetic methodologies through transition metal-catalysis, asymmetric catalysis, organic synthesis, and synthesis of organometallic complexes in search of new reactivity.
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- 교수 분자진화학
- 윤환수
- 031-290-5915
- hsyoon2011@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32351A호실
Hwan Su Yoon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He received his PhD in biology from Chungnam National University. After research training at the University of Iowa, he worked at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. His research interests include eukaryotic biodiversity, phylogeny, single cell genomics, and genome evolution, with a focus on red algae and red algal plastid descendants (e.g., the cryptophytes, haptophytes, stramenopiles, and dinoflagellates).
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- 031-290-7042
- khlee54@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31108A호실
중력파 검출기 | Gravitational Wave Detector Science 다중신호천문학 | Multi-messenger Astronomy 분자구조 분석 | Atomic Structure Characterization 광학적 성질 분석 | Optical Property Characterization 서스펜션 기술개발 | Suspension Structure Development
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- 조교수
- 이대한
- 031-290-5923
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- 031-299-4565
- dklee@skku.edu
- 화학관 5층 330506호실
My laboratory focuses on understanding the structure-function relationship of nucleic acid molecules, and based on these knowledges, develops diagnostic and therapeutic tools against various diseases. Nucleic acid aptamers are short, single stranded oligonucleotides which can fold into specific three dimentional structure to bind target molecules with high affinity and specificity. My lab is focusing on generating aptamers targeting cancer cell surface marker proteins, such as pancreatic cancer cells, and trying to use this aptamer for cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. RNA interference is an endogenous gene silencing mechanism which allows short double stranded RNA (siRNA) to specifically target gene of interest and inhibit its expression. My lab has developed a variety of novel RNAi triggering molecular platforms which shows improved features over the original siRNA structures. We continue to develop next generation RNAi technologies and try to use these technologies to develop therapeutics against a variety of diseases.
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- 조교수 입자물리실험
- 이명재
- 031-290-7054
- myeongjaelee@skku.edu
타우 및 뮤온 경입자 flavor violation, 초고에너지 우주선 및 암흑물질 실험, 입자 검출기용 전자기기 개발
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Matrix Theory, Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Numerical Linear Algebra, Math Modeling, Computational Math, 3D Printing, History of Math, Mobile Mathematics
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- 명예교수
- 이상태
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- 031-290-5913
- sangholee@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32116호실
Life is controlled by a milieu of macromolecular interactions. We focus on understanding structural basis for protein interactions and their applications using a variety of biophysical and biochemical techniques such as crystallography and solution scattering as well as standard techniques in molecular cell biology. We study proteins interactions in ubiquitin signaling, host-pathogen relationship and abiotic stress response signaling. We also develop mini-antibody based bionano sensors for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
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- 명예교수 세포학
- 이석희
Male Reproduction
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- 명예교수
- 이순보
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- 명예교수 무기화학
- 이순원
Our research group is currently interested in organometallic compounds of late transition metals, coordination polymers, flame-retardant inorganic materials, and MOCVD sources.
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- 031-299-6507
- leeyoung@skku.edu
- N센터 3층 86381호실
Materials synthesis of 2D layred materials and exploration of unprecedented new physics from van der Waals heteorostructures and their devices for quantum carrier dynamics, tunneling phenomena, thermoelectric and energy harvesting.
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- 명예교수 식물생리학
- 이우성
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- 031-290-5939
- wonhwalee@skku.edu
∙ Molecular research on sepsis and respiratory diseases ∙ Fundamental mechanisms involved in blood and lymphatic vessel function, atherogenesis, blood coagulation, and inflammation ∙ Theragnostic biomaterials for infectious diseases and cancers ∙ Bio-efficacy evaluation biochip-platform using human immune system
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- 교수 분자환경생물학
- 이재성
- 2021 SKKU Fellowship
- 031-290-7011
- jslee2@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32312호실
Epigenetics, Host-microbiome interaction, Ocean acidification, Microplastic, Hypoxia
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- 031-299-4527
- jrlee01@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31314호실
Operator theory
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My research interest is focused on the understanding the role of polyamines in the cell using E. coli as a model system. Elucidation of the role of polyamines in global gene expression is my major research interest. Identification of genes regulated by polyamines and uncovering underlying mechanisms of the polyamine-dependent gene regulation is the areas of study at present time. My research interest also extends to E. coli host development for production of biotech products by genetic engineering. Metabolic engineering of E. coli in particular modification of the inherited physiology of the host strain for enhanced product productivity is my major interest.
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Condensed-matter physics, Metamaterials
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- 031-299-4560
- jinylee@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330322호실
Our research interest is focused on “Understanding of molecular functions and designing new molecules”. We have applied computational approaches to understand molecular functions observed experimentally in several subjects such as fluorescence sensors, electrochromic materials and CO2 absorption mechanism, and especially on “2D Materials and Biomolecules”. We have studied on organic magnetic materials and developed design strategy to build ferromagnetic magnetic molecules. Also, various materials such as MoS2, graphyne, TiO2 are under research. Our group have also experienced with molecular dynamics simulation which is useful to understand the properties of biomolecules such as enzyme and proteins.
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- 명예교수 세포면역학
- 이충은
The current research focus is on the modulators of cytokine signaling (SOCS) action to control inflammation and tumor progression using in vitro and in vivo model systems
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- 02-760-0472
- hangsuck@skku.edu
- 교수회관 3층 40312호실
Actuarial science, risk management, insurance, option pricing
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- 031-299-4566
- hyoyoung@skku.edu
- 화학관 6층 330606호실
(1) Chiral induction in single molecules by light irradiation, (2) Organic semiconducting materials, and (3) Photocatalysis and electrocatalysis in energy conversion.
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- 031-299-4812
- lsh3109@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 3층 51354호실
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- 교수 위상수학
- 임용도
- 031-299-4525
- ylim@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32305B호실
Matrix means and averaging
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- 부교수
- 임화선
- 031-290-5921
- wlim@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 1층 32107호실
세포신호전달, 분자발생학, 분자약리학, 독성학, 생식의학
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- 031-290-7074
- dyjung@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330417호실
무기화합물소재, 페로브스카이트 할라이드 화합물, 금속 산화물/수산화물/슈도-커패시터, 금속 황화물/찰코젠나이드/CIGS태양전지, 단결정/박막/분말, 결정구조분석
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- 031-290-7050
- djung513@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31111A호실
Research on characteristics of materials and devices related with semiconductor, display and biointerface.
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- 명예교수
- 정봉화
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- 부교수 대사생화학, 분자세포생물학
- 정수명
- 031-290-7001
- sumyung.jung@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 2층 32209호실
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- 부교수 응용 및 산업수학
- 정윤모
- 031-299-4818
- yoonmojung@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32303호실
Image processing, Data analysis, Machine learning, Scientific computing
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- 부교수 식물 생화학
- 정재훈
- 031-290-7013
- jhjung19@skku.edu
식물 프리온 단백질의 온도센서로서의 역할 규명 상분리 기작을 통한 식물 온도인지 메커니즘 연구 온도신호 전달물질로 기능하는 활성산소 물질 연구
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- 부교수
- 조홍백
- 031-299-4498
- hongbaek@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 2층 32208호실
세균 세포벽 합성 기전 그람음성균의 cell envelope 합성 기전 및 온전성 유지 기전 항생제 내성 및 퍼시스턴스 기전
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- 교수 나노/반도체물리실험
- 차승남
- 031-299-4546
- chasn@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31102A호실
Nano/Semiconductor Materials & Devices
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- 부교수 핵물리학
- 채경육
- 031-299-4547
- kchae@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32307B호실
I am primarily interested in the study of astrophysically-important nuclei and nuclear reactions using radioactive heavy ion beams. More specifically, significant fraction of my research has focused on the measurement of charged-particle induced reactions relevant to nucleosynthesis in explosive stars such as novae, X-ray bursts, and supernovae. Most of my research have been carried out at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. Significant amount of effort is also made to develop target and detector systems for the RAON, the future facility currently underbuilt in Korea.
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- 명예교수 기하학
- 채영도
Differential Geometry
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- 031-299-4520
- gscheon@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 3층 51303B호실
My research interests include enumerative combinatorics, discrete mathematics, graph theory, linear and multilinear algebra, matrix theory, Lie theory, representation theory and their applications. We focus on the use of Riordan group theory and Riordan array techniques on problems arising in combinatorics, matrix theory and related topics.
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- 교수 응용수학
- 천창범
- 031-299-4523
- cbchun@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31308호실
Numerical Analysis
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- 교수 응집물리
- 최광용
양자 자성체, 위상물리, 강상관계, 마요라나 페르미온, 스핀액체
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- 부교수 입자물리학
- 최기영
- 031-290-5907
- kiyoungchoi@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31301A호실
입자천체물리학 및 우주론: 우주의 팽창과 암흑물질 탐색 연구
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My research interests are high energy particle physics and neutrino physics. CMS experiment at CERN in Switzerland since 2000 for high energy particle physics (Top physics, Higgs, SUSY, extra dimension, mini black hole, dark matter searches etc) Super-Kamiokande experiment at Kamioka in Japan since 2002 for neutrino physics (Solar neutrino, atmospheric neutrino, super nova, proton decay searches etc) Belle experiment at KEK in Japan since 1997 for B meson physics (CP violation, B meson decays) RENO experiment at Yeonggwang in Korea since 2006 for reactor neutrino physics (Neutrino oscillation study)
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- 031-290-5903
- choiws@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31110호실
Discovering and understanding novel physical phenomena in solids by fabricating and characterizing epitaxial complex oxide heterostructures for opto-electronic, energy, and environmental applications
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- 031-290-7022
- choiwc@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31311호실
Control theory, Optimization, PDEs, Modelling & Scientific computation
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- 031-290-7010
- choicy@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 2층 32205호실
Phosphorylation and ubiquitination are reversible post-translational modifications with key roles in various signal transduction cascades. Currently, cancer cell-specific metabolic adaptation is a hot issue to be addressed. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway integrates both intracellular and extracellular signals and serves as a central regulator of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and survival. The mTOR pathway is activated during various cellular processes such as tumor formation and angiogenesis, insulin resistance, adipogenesis and is deregulated in human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Although ubiquitination of target protein plays a critical role in other cellular activity during tumorigenesis, little is known about functional relevance of ubiquitin-mediated coordination of mTOR pathway and autophagy induction. So we have interested in the deciphering molecular networks of signaling pathway particularly associated with human diseases caused by malfunction of nutrient sensing.
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- 031-290-7048
- hychoi@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32359C호실
The research of my group is focused on the theory of high temperature superconductivity. A major topic is the pairing mechanism of the high Tc superconductivity. We have been working to determine the experimental constraints from high resolution ARPES data that any viable theory of high Tc superconductivity must satisfy. This will differentiate among many proposed ideas to settle the problem down. Other topics of my group are variations on the theme of high Tc superconductivity pairing interaction
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- 031-290-5902
- carsten.rott@gmail.com
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31109호실
My main research focus is on indirect searches for dark matter, neutrino property measurements, and particle geophysics. I am an experimentalist and member of the IceCube Neutrino Telescope Collaboration, where I lead searches for physics beyond the standard model. My group is developing a novel camera based calibration system and new sensor modules for next generation neutrino detectors.
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- 031-299-4528
- kinkar@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31251D호실
I am interested in all areas in Graph Theory ( particularly Spectral Graph Theory, ExtremalGraph Theory, Molecular Graph Theory), Graph Labeling, Graph Algorithm, Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics.
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- 031-299-4569
- paeng@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330304호실
Polymer and glass dynamics, soft matter physics, single molecule microscopy
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- 031-290-5905
- hanjh@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32308호실
Theory of topological matter, Theory of photon-electron composite matter Theory of tensor network matter
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- 교수 대수기하학
- 허석문
- 031-290-7028
- sukmoonh@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32306호실
My research interest is on algebraic geometry, specially moduli problems involving stable sheaves on algebraic varieties
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- 031-299-4810
- jghuh@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31313호실
머신러닝 기반 계산금융
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- 031-290-7061
- joonsukhuh@skku.edu
- 화학관 3층 330306호실
양자정보, 양자컴퓨터, 양자알고리즘, 기계학습
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- 031-290-7047
- swhong@skku.ac.kr
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31304호실
핵반응, 핵구조, 중성자별, 빅백핵합성, 중성자 실험, 방사능 검출기 개발, 핵자료, 핵분열, 전산물리학, 원자로
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- 교수 해석학
- 황인성
- 031-290-7021
- ihwang@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31312호실
Operator theory
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- 031-299-4545
- jungseek@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31151A호실
We use Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers and a monochromatic type optical spectrometer to cover a broad spectral range from far infrared (FIR) through ultraviolet (UV). We investigate low-lying (or intraband) optical excitations, characteristic collective modes including pure and hybrid phonon modes, and electronic (interband) transitions of various novel quantum material systems. The quantum material systems would be Unconventional superconductors: High-temperature superconductors (copper oxides and Fe-pnictides) and heavy fermion systems Strongly Correlated electron systems: bulk d- or f- electron systems and 3d transition metal oxide superlattice systems Low-dimensional system: graphene, graphite, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD), copper thin films etc. Photovoltaic materials: organic solar cells. We also would like to contribute other research areas of science such as astrophysics by sharing my spectroscopy technique and knowledge through close collaborations.