성균융합원 - 메타바이오헬스학과
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- 031-299-4346
- hyunggoo.kim@g.skku.edu
뇌과학, 시스템 신경과학, 강화학습, 의사결정, 학습, 도파민
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- 02-740-1864
- eunilpark@skku.edu
- 국제관 3층 90310호실
데이터과학, 사용자경험/인간컴퓨터상호작용, 산업인공지능
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- 부교수 디지털AI헬스
- 박한규
- 031-299-4358
- hangue.park@skku.edu
신경보철, 전기자극, 집적회로, 재활, 운동학습
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- jseo33@skku.edu
- 의학관 3층 713117호실
정밀의료, 바이오메디컬 빅데이터, 유전 x 환경역학, 멀티오믹스, 기능유전체학
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- 031-290-7948
- yoojc@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23508호실
Design of Deep learning Architecture and Its application AI-Medical Image Diagnosis Design of AI-controlled Robot Hand AI-Digital Health Care Platform
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- swleemd@g.skku.edu
- 의학관 4층 714301호실
의료 AI, 의료빅데이터, 디지털 헬스
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- 부교수 디지털AI헬스
- 이용정
- 02-760-0259
- yjyi@g.skku.edu
- 교수회관 5층 40514호실
건강 및 의학정보학 (Health & Medical Informatics) 소비자건강정보행태 (Consumer Health Information Behavior) 건강문해(Health Literacy)
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- 031-299-4359
- joonyeol@g.skku.edu
- N센터 3층 86362호실
Perception, Sensorimotor transformation, Attention and cognition, Probabilistic inference, Population decoding How attention and cognition modulate sensory neural representation and transmission of the neural information to the downstream motor areas in the brain The neural basis of cognition in sensorimotor behaviors
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- 031-290-7801
- jhur@skku.edu
- 생명공학관62동 2층 62209호실
Identifying early life or life course dietary and lifestyle risk factors for cancer development Deciphering the etiology of early-onset colorectal cancer from nutritional perspectives
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- 부교수 디지털AI헬스
- 현승협