성균융합원 - 에너지과학연계전공
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- 031-299-6270
- taeahn@skku.edu
- N센터 2층 86277호실
Ultrafast phenomena in physics, chemistry and biology Efficient energy conversion system in nature New approach by learning photosynthesis
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- 031-299-6279
- gmchoi@skku.edu
- N센터 5층 86582호실
Spintronics, magnetic memory, thermal transport
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- 031-299-4275
- hyuksuhan@skku.edu
- N센터 2층 86282호실
에너지 전환 소재 및 소자, 전기화학 촉매반응, 수소에너지
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- 031-299-4278
- jaeki.jeong@skku.edu
광전자소자, 페로브스카이트, 수소생산, 이산화탄소환원
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- 031-299-4058
- s.jeong@skku.edu
- N센터 5층 86578호실
Surface chemistry of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots) Microscopic understanding of surface chemistry in colloidal nanocrystals Fabrication of nanocrystals based optoelectronic devices (photovoltaics, LED, FET)
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- 031-299-4277
- kijaekim@skku.edu
리튬기반 이차전지 (리튬이온, 리튬금속, 리튬-황 등) 차새대 소재 개발 리튬기반 이차전지 안전성 향상 기술 연구 비리튬계 이차전지 (나트륨, 레독스 플로우, Zn 수계 전지) 차세대 소재 개발
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- 031-299-6275
- kikangkim@skku.edu
- N센터 5층 86579호실
Synthesis of single-crystal 2D materials
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- 031-299-4059
- youngmk@skku.edu
- N센터 6층 86682호실
주사투과전자현미경 (STEM) 전자에너지손실분광분석 (EELS) 에너지분산 X-ray 분광분석 (EDX) 인공지능 전자현미경
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- 031-299-6271
- jongsoonkim@skku.edu
- N센터 6층 86679호실
Computational and Experimental Researches for Li/Na-Ion Batteries
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- 031-299-4052
- seonglim@skku.edu
- N센터 6층 86681호실
Optical properties of 2D materials Thermal conductivity of low dimensional materials Photo-thermal properties for IR detections
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- 031-299-6273
- j.lim@skku.edu
양자점, 반도체 나노소재 합성, 표면 화학, 광전자소자 (LED, PVs, ...)
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- 031-299-4279
- cwmyung@skku.edu
Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Chemistry, Energy Materials Theory
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- 031-299-6278
- hshin@skku.edu
- N센터 4층 86482호실
Nanoscale Functional Materials' Synthesis and Characterization Atomic Layer Deposition Renewable Energy Devices : Solar Cells and Fuels, Li ion Battery, Electrocatalyst, and Fuel Cells. Nanoscale Local Probing Characterizations
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- 031-299-4276
- jwyang@skku.edu
- N센터 5층 86577호실
바이오매스를 활용한 바이오-에너지 생산, 에너지촉매반응, 그린화학, 유기합성방법론 개발
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- 031-299-6276
- wsyoon@skku.edu
- N센터 4층 86483호실
차세대 이차 전지용 신전극 소재 개발 연구 방사광 가속기 X-선을 이용한 차세대 이차 전지용 전극소재의 실시간 (in situ)구조 분석 연구 이차전지 양극, 음극 전극 활물질의 반응 메커니즘 연구
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- 031-299-6274
- kimsungwng@skku.edu
전자화물 후보 소재 screening 및 개발 소재 기능성 극대화-안정화-양산화 를 위한 소재 합성 및 공정 기술 개발 고효율 열전소재 및 열전모듈 개발
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- 031-290-7285
- jdnam@skku.edu
Thermoplastic/Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposites New and Renewable Energy (Supercapacitor/Fuel Cell) Eco-Friendly Sustainable Technology for Automobile Electroactive Actuators and Sensors Nature-Circulating Polymers and Composites Conducting/Semi-Conducting Polymers and Composites
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- 031-290-5930
- jimankim@skku.edu
- 화학관 4층 330405호실
Research interests of our group are various aspects of science and technology, ranging from fundamental research to possible industrial applications. Our researches are focused on design and synthesis of noble nanoporous materials, especially mesoporous materials, and nanostructured materials such as nanoparticles and nanowires. The nanoporous materials have attracted much attention in the fields of nano-chemistry, nanotechnology, and supramolecular chemistry due to their ordered nano-porosity (1~30nm). Generally, the nanoporous materials are synthesized by self-assembly and polymerization between organic pore generator and inorganic framework precursors. We have been developing new synthetic strategies for the materials in order to give new structures and functionalities. Applications of the nanoporous materials as the catalytic, electronic and energy materials are also our main interests.
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- 교수 나노/반도체물리실험
- 차승남
- 031-299-4546
- chasn@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31102A호실
Nano/Semiconductor Materials & Devices
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- 031-290-7403
- hsjung1@skku.edu
- 제2공학관25동 1층 25107호실
광전소자 나노물질합성
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- 031-299-4715
- phs0727@skku.edu
- 제2공학관25동 4층 25415호실
► 2차원 & 탄소 나노소재 ► 고분자 & 나노복합체 전해질 ► 전기화학적 에너지 전환 및 저장 소자 (리튬이온전지, 소듐이온전지, 금속-황 전지, 아연-공기 전지, 다가이온전지, 슈퍼커패시터, 하이브리드 커패시터, 연료전지) ► 기능성 에너지 소자 (유연, 웨어러블, 고온용 전지, 교류필터링 커패시터) ► 전기촉매 및 흡착 (CO2 흡착 & 전환, 축전식 탈염, ORR/OER, 수소생산)