정보통신대학 - 전자전기공학부
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- 031-290-7695
- jhko@skku.edu
- 반도체관 3층 400316호실
온-디바이스 머신러닝, AI 프로세서, 뉴로모픽 컴퓨팅
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- 031-290-7137
- tykuc@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85770호실
Intelligent Robotics and Intelligent Control Learning and Adaptation Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Intelligent Robotic System Architecture & SI Multi-robot Coordination and Control
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- 명예교수
- 권기호
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- 031-290-7970
- ghkim@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23210호실
- 반도체 양자 전자 수송 - 2 차원 소재를 이용한 다양한 전자 소자 - 2 차원 물질을 이용한 양자 전자 전송 - 저 차원 반도체의 전기적 특성 - 양자 컴퓨터 - 2 차원 물질의 Bose-Einstein 응축
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- 031-299-4585
- dongin@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23528호실
5G/6G Wireless Cellular Internet of Things (IoT) Connected Intelligence Wireless Power Transfer RF Energy Harvesting
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- 031-299-4586
- iamshkim@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23526호실
Modern coding theory: LDPC codes and polar codes Wireless multi-terminal communications, D2D communications, LTE-A Signal design and secure communications. Code design for distributed source/video coding연구키워드 (Research Keyword)
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- 031-299-4323
- yongsang@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23208호실
Fabrication of oxide TFT and circuit design for OLED display panel Analysis for degradation mechanism of LTPS TFT for display panel Design and application of organic thin film transistors Design and fabrication of organic TFTs for use in memory devices Design and characterization of polymer / nanoparticles based solar cells Microfluidics (Lab-on-a-chip) for molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry Electrochemical sensor
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- 031-290-7130
- jtkim@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85668호실
Brain-inspired Computing and Architecture, Embedded Hardware and Software Design Sensor System IoT VLSI and System on a Chip Design
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- jkkim@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21225호실
Detection and Estimation Theory Face Recognition/Identification 3D Image Processing
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- 031-290-7124
- chkim@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23222호실
전력계통 보호 및 과도현상 해석 전력계통 모델링 및 해석
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- 031-290-7136
- wsnah@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85658호실
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Diagnosis of Electric System
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- yhroh@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21213호실
Reliability of Semiconductor Devices Oxide Semiconductor Devices: IGZO Thin Film Transistors Development of Nano and Molecular Devices Formation of Nano and Molecular Integrated Circuits using Nanolithography DNA Nanotechnology 3D Printed Flexible Devices
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- 부교수
- 미트라게게르치
- mitragh@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23404호실
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Linear Multivariable Control Networked Control Systems Time-optimal Control of BLDC motors Kalman filter applications
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- 031-290-7955
- epark@skku.edu
기계학습, 컴퓨터비전
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- 031-290-7146
- ihpark@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85768호실
Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Electrical Machines and Energy Conversion Multi-Physics Analysis of EM Coupled Problems Optimal Design of Electromagnetic System High Voltage Devices and Electric Discharge Electric Vehicle, Energy Harvest
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- 031-290-7138
- park@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85772호실
Control Theory and its Application Estimation and Filtering Theories Robust and Nonlinear Control
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- 조교수 혼성신호 집적회로 설계
- 박준은
- 031-299-4325
- juneun.park@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23426호실
Processing In Memory (PIM) Power Management ICs Sensor Interfaces Low-Power Circuits Embedded Memory Mixed-signal Circuit Modeling and Design Automation
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- 교수 반도체 소재/소자
- 박진홍
- 2023 SKKU Fellowship
- 031-299-4951
- jhpark9@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21211호실
Next Generation Low-power Device Research; - Multi-valued Logic Devices (NDR/NDT-based MVL Devices/Circuits Integration) - Neuromorphic Devices (Synaptic/Neuronal Devices and 3D Integration) - Novel Devices for Process-In-Memory 2D Materials-based Research; - 2D Semiconductor Fabrication Technologies (Doping, Contact, and etc.) - 2D Semiconductor Applications (Photodetectors and Transistors)
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- 031-269-0010
- cspark@wavetc.com
- 산학협력센터 6층 85660호실
Linear Power Amplifier Design Analysis/Simulation of Nonlinear Circuits Efficiency enhancement of Power Amplifiers Development of Various Antenna
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- 031-299-4956
- hyunjinp@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85766호실
의료영상처리 (영상정합,영상분할 포함) 암치료를 위한 의료영상분석 컴퓨터비전(딥러닝포함)의 의료영상적용 뇌영상분석, 레디오믹스, 영상유전체학 응용
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- 031-299-4327
- hwbaac@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23236호실
Photonic systems and instrumentations for biomedical applications Optical ultrasound sensors and transmitters, Nanophotonic energy conversion structures, High-energy fiber laser Focused ultrasound therapy, Micro-ultrasonic treatment of tissue and cells, Miniaturized optical/ultrasonic systems for biomedical diagnosis and therapy
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- (외)조교수
- 비탈리파노프
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- 031-299-4321
- mkseo@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85666호실
Millimeterwave / Terahertz IC design in advanced CMOS and HBT technologies. Signal-processing / hardware co-design approaches for emerging communication systems and wireless sensor networks. Applied signal processing techniques for mixed-signal circuits.
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- 031-290-7696
- daniel3600@g.skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23218호실
Stretchable and Self-Healing Bio-Integrated Electronic Devices
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- 031-299-4580
- songwiz@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23214호실
Integrated nanophotonics, Silicon Photonics, photonic crystals Nanofabrication, Measurement of nanophotoic devices Modeling and simulation of Novel photonic devices
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- 031-299-4599
- jk.song@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21217호실
Display Devices : LCD (Optics, LC mode etc.), OLED, e-paper Liquid Crystals (LC) Materials : droplets, microfluidics, defect analysis Graphene, Graphene-oxide, lyotropic liquid crystals, Colloids Image processing and color science based on human-sense Layered molecular system : smectics, membranes etc.
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- 명예교수
- 송준태
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- 명예교수
- 신명철
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- 031-290-7153
- jtshin@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23524호실
Deep Learning [ 딥러닝을 이용한 영상처리 ] Image/Video Signal Processing Medical Image Processing and System Image/Video Communication and System 영상처리 및 전송시스템
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- 031-290-7976
- yang09@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85662호실
Linear Power Amplifier ICs or Modules Low Power CMOS Analog/RF Integrated Circuit Design RF Transmitter/Receiver Systems Design/Integration
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- 031-299-4320
- sangminwon@skku.edu
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- 031-290-7115
- woncy@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23216호실
AC/DC converter design for DC distribution system DC/DC converter and DC/AC Inverter design and control for fuel cell system DC fast battery charger for EV and HEV PMSM motor drive system for electric vehicle bus 3 kW PV - PCS, 260W photovoltaic module intergrated converter
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- 031-290-7148
- khyou@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23416A호실
Adaptive Optimization / Optimal Control for Nonlinear System Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for PMSM Machine Learning based Seismographical Analysis and Research Geolocation on Wireless Communication Network Optimal and Robust Control
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- 031-299-4322
- micco21@skku.edu
▪ 인간 뇌를 모방한 인공 뇌 (뉴로모픽) 시스템과 인간의 오감(시각,촉각,청각,후각,미각)을 모방한 고감도 센서 연구를 수행함. 고감도 센서를 통해 얻어진 데이터를 인공 뇌로 처리하여, 인간과 같이 인지하고 판단하는 인공 뇌 제작을 목표로 함. ▪ 인간 뇌의 정보를 처리하는 뉴런과 정보를 저장하는 시냅스를 모방한 인공 뇌 세포인 플로팅게이트멤리스터를 세계최초로 개발함. 기존 멤리스터 (저항형, 상변화) 대비 1000배 높은 정확도를 확보함. 외부의 간섭 없이 인간과 같이 혼자 학습하는 인공뇌 자기 주도 학습(unsupervised learning)을 플로팅게이트멤리스터 기반 인공뉴런과 인공시냅스로 세계최초로 구현함. (Nature Comm.) ▪ 2차원 나노 물질인 그래핀, 황화몰리브데늄 등은 얇은 종이와 같은 2차원 구조에 원자 1~2개의 초미세 두께를 갖는 신소재임. 그래핀과 황화몰리브데늄을 쌓아 올려(반데르발스 이종접합구조) 수직 방향으로 동작하는 반도체 트랜지스터를 세계 최초로 발함. 기존 실리콘 트랜지스터 대비 1000배 높은 전류 량을 확보함. (Nature Materials) ▪ 그래핀/황화몰리브데늄 광 센서는 기존 반도체 광 센서 대비 두께가 10배 감소된 반면, 광 변환 효율은 50배 향상됨. 그래핀/황화몰리브데늄 촉각 센서는 압력에 대한 감 응도가 기존 반도체 촉각 센서 대비 1000배 향상됨. 이외에 그래핀/황화몰리브데늄 센서를 이용한 초고감도 바이오센서(마약탐지, 암유전자 탐지 등)와 수소차량용 수소가스센서 연구를 수행중. (Nature Nanotechnol., Nature Comm.) ▪ 1차원 탄소나노튜브 반도체와 2차원 그래핀 전극의 유연성을 이용하여 20% 이상 휘어지고, 늘어나는 트랜지스터 개발. 늘어남에 따른 전기적 특성변화가 없음을 확인함. (Nature Materials) ▪ 2차원 나노물질의 이종접합에서 차원을 확장하여 0차원(분자, 퀀텀닷 등), 1차원(탄소나노뉴브, 나노와이어 등), 3차원(산화막반도체, 금속, 절연체) 등 다양한 차원의 물질의 반데르발스 이종접합을 이용한 고성능 전자소자 개발 연구를 수행 중.
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- 031-290-7948
- yoojc@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23508호실
Design of Deep learning Architecture and Its application AI-Medical Image Diagnosis Design of AI-controlled Robot Hand AI-Digital Health Care Platform
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- 031-299-4954
- klee@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85664호실
Artificial Intelligence Circuit Design Analog Integrated Circuit Design RF Integrated Circuit Design Power Integrated Circuit Design Analog/Digital Mixed Circuit Design
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Optical Communication Devices and Systems WDM, SDM and FTTH Technology LED Lightening and Display Optical Biosensors, Gas Sensors and Other Optical Sensors Optical Fiber Gratings and PLC Gratings Technology and their Applications Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Lasers
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- 명예교수
- 이근영
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- 031-299-4582
- mhlee@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23238호실
Nano surface plasmonic waveguide devices and integration Thermo - optic polymeric photonic devices Electro - optic polymeric photonic devices Flexible optical devices
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- 031-299-4581
- bkleeskku@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21215호실
On-Board and Wireless Battery Chargers for xEV Design and Control of PCS for Energy Storage System Advanced Algorithms for SOC, SOP, SOH, SOF for EV Battery High Efficient Power Conversion Units for Home Appliances Power Electroncis using Wide Band Gap Devices (SiC, GaN)
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- pfyeonlee@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21233호실
Photorefractive effects in crystals and polymers Holographic optical memories LCD and OLED 3-D display Nonlinear optics
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- 031-299-4950
- jaehyeong@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85672호실
- 이종접합 기반 초고효율 태양전지 설계 및 제작 기술 - 유연 투명 전자 소자 (UV sensor, photovoltaic cell, thin-film transistor (TFT) 등) - 나노 및 이차원 물질 기반 고성능 광소자(photo-detector, solar cell 등) - 고출력/경량/반투명 태양광 모듈/시스템 설계 및 제작 기술 - 고효율 에너지 절감형 스마트 윈도우 - 태양광시스템 발전량 예측 모델 개발 및 경제성 분석
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- 031-299-4605
- juwon.lee@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23432A호실
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- 031-290-7139
- junsin@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23212호실
고효율 탠덤태양전지(페로브스카이트, III-V, 실리콘) high-k 신뢰성 박막 센서 산화물 반도체소자
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- 031-290-7142
- jhyi@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85762호실
Deep Learning Based Image Computing 2D/3D Face Processing/Recognition Vision Based Human Computer Interaction Using RGB-D Cameras
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- 031-290-7149
- tjlee@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23430B호실
Performance Evaluation and Design of Communication Networks/Systems Medium Access Control (MAC) Network Resource Allocation Wireless LAN/PAN (WLAN/WPAN) LTE, 5G V2X, Connected Car IoT, M2M, Ad-hoc/Sensor Networks, RFID/NFC
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- 031-299-4606
- wansu.lim@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23418호실
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- 031-290-7144
- bjeon@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21221호실
Video Coding and Video Signal Processing, Image Signal Processing, Statistical pattern recognition and remote sensing
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- 031-290-7108
- iychun@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21229호실
인공지능, 기계학습, 계산영상학, 컴퓨터비젼, 자율주행
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- voix0707@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21207호실
Semiconductor CAD (Device Simulation, Circuit Modeling and Design automation)
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- 교수 통신및신호처리
- 정민영
- 031-290-7972
- mychung@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21203B호실
Performance Evaluation and Design of Communication Networks/Systems Next Generation Wireless Communication Networks 3GPP LTE, 4G, and B4G Communication Systems Cooperative Communications Wireless LAN/PAN Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications Heterogeneous Networks with Small Cells
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- 교수 전기기기
- 정상용
- 031-299-4952
- syjung@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23424호실
Electric Propulsion Motor for HEV, EV, HEV (Automobile) Electric Propulsion Motor for High Speed Train and MAGLEV Electric Propulsion System of Integrated Electric Ship Propulsion System Optimal Design and Numerical Analysis of Wind Power Generator Optimal Design and Numerical Analysis of Actuator for Home Appliance Optimal Design and Numerical Analysis of Motor for UAM Automated In-House Design Program and Real-Time Simulator
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- ichung@skku.ac.kr
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21227호실
Molecular Device and Organic TFT SCM (scanning capacitance microscopy) MRAM (Magnetic random access memory) FRAM (Ferroelectric random access memory) Nanocrystal Memory Template Synthesis (Fabrication nanowire using AAO) FinFET
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- 부교수 인공지능 바이오센서 및 알고리즘
- 정조운
- jwchong@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23412호실
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- 명예교수
- 조규섭
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- jdcho@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 2층 21203A호실
Embodied, Playful, Tangible, Wearable Interaction 스마트 케어를 위한 인문-디자인-공학 융합연구
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- jschai@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 5층 23514호실
Accelerator Design and Manufacturing RF Resonator and RF Power Generation System Development Advanced Accelerator System for Cancer Treatment Proton Accelerator for Medical Use Research and Development on Detector & ASIC Design
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- 031-290-7693
- kaewonchoi@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23226호실
원거리 무선전력 전송 및 통신 네트워크 융합기술 차세대 셀룰러 네트워크 무선자원 최적화 가시광 통신
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- 031-299-4589
- bdchoi@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 7층 85764호실
Device Reliability of Advanced CMOS Technologies Flash Memory Technology Characterization of MOS Capacitor, and MOSFET with I-V, Generation and Recombination lifetime, and C-f Dependence Generation and Recombination Lifetime Measurement of Epi Wafers and Denuded Wafers Gate Oxide Integrity (GOI) Characterization Detection of Impurities (Fe, Cu ,Pt, Au, Cr ..etc) by DLTS Silvaco Simulation for extracting spice model parameter Display Device (OLED, Thin Film Device on Flexible/Glass Substrate) Low Temperature Poly Silicon TFTs
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- 명예교수
- 최형진
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Biosignal Recognition using Face Skin Image Human-Computer Interface and Interaction 영상을 이용한 비 접촉식 생체신호 측정 및 활용
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- 교수 전자/반도체재료
- 홍병유
- 031-290-7141
- byhong@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 2층 23224호실
Thin film processing using CVD, PVD and its applications Diamond-like carbon, Diamond, Carbon nanotubes, Silicon carbide Transparent conductive oxide Flexible device and solar cell Nanowire synthesis using DNA for the application to nanodevice Solar cell : DSSC, Organic Application of Electrochromic device
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- 031-290-7978
- khwang@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 6층 85670호실
Electromagnetic field analysis and antenna design Design of waveguide slot array Scattering from grooved/slotted conducting wedges Broadband and circularly-polarized antennas