약학대학 - 약학과
- 교수 독성학
- 이상규
- 0312907708
- sangkyu@skku.edu
독성단백체학 단백질수식화 약물대사 다중오믹스
- 031-290-7782
- jodg@skku.edu
- 약학관 4층 530418호실
Aging , Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, Stroke, Neurodegeneration, Exosome, Extracellular vesicles, Stem cell
- 교수 생화학, 분자생물학
- 조은정
- 031-290-7781
- echo@skku.edu
- 약학관 4층 530403호실
Chromatin dynamics and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, Cell Fate Determination, Cell Differentiation Cancer epigenetics, Epigenetic mechanism of tumorigenesis Molecular mechanism-based drug development Molecular understanding of tumor suppressor function & cancer biology Noncoding RNAs, Transcriptome analysis