Biotechnology and Bioengineering - Food Science and Biotechnology

게시글 검색
HUR, JINHEE 사진 more
  • Assistant Professor Nutrition, Epidemiology
  • HUR, JINHEE 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab CliNE Lab

[Research Interest]

Identifying early life or life course dietary and lifestyle risk factors for cancer development Deciphering the etiology of early-onset colorectal cancer from nutritional perspectives

KIM, KI HYUN 사진 more
  • Professor Natural Products Chemistry/Pharmacognosy
  • KIM, KI HYUN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Natural Product Research Laboratory

[Research Interest]

Chemical biology of natural products Isolation and structural elucidation of novel natural products from termite-associated microbes Structural elucidation and discovery biological activities of natural compounds from Korean wild mushroom and fungi