Information and Communication Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering

게시글 검색
CHO, JEAMIN 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization
  • CHO, JEAMIN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Interactive Data Computing Laboratory

[Research Interest]

Data Science, Information Visualization, Human-AI Interaction

  • Associate Professor AI-Based Biosensor and Algorithm
    Lab Smart Biomedical Lab
CHUN, IL YONG 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
  • CHUN, IL YONG 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Machine Intelligence & Data Science (MIDAS) Lab

[Research Interest]

AI, ML, Computational Imaging, Computer Vision, Auto. Driving

EOM, YOUNG IK 사진 more
  • Professor Operating Systems, System Software
  • EOM, YOUNG IK 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Distributed Computing Lab.

[Research Interest]

System Software, Operating System, File system, Storage system, Virtualization, Distributed Computing, UI/UX platform

HAN, HWANSOO 사진 more
  • Professor Parallel Computing, Compiler
  • HAN, HWANSOO 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab CSI Lab
  • +82-31-299-4594
  • Research & Business Center 5F 85568

[Research Interest]

Parallel and Distributed Systems / Big-Data Analytics Frameworks / System SW for Non-Volatile Memory

HONG, SEOKIN 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Computer Architecture, Memory Systems
  • HONG, SEOKIN 홈페이지 바로가기

[Research Interest]

︎Processor Architectures (CPU, GPU, NPU) ︎Heterogeneous Memory Systems ︎Near-Data Processing ︎Hardware/Software Co-design for Deep Learning ︎Domain-specific Accelerators

  • Associate Professor Smart Factory
  • JEONG, JONG PIL 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab AI Factory Lab

[Research Interest]

Smart factory, Industrial AI, Anomaly detection, Manufacturing data analytics, AI-enabled fault diagnosis and prognosis, 5G-based smart manufacturing

KIM, CHUL-HWAN 사진 more
  • Professor Power System, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy, Net Zero
  • KIM, CHUL-HWAN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Power System Innovation Laboratory(PSIL)

[Research Interest]

Power system protection and analysis of transient phenomina Modelling and analysis of power system

KIM, GIL-HO 사진 more
  • Professor Quantum Semiconductor Nano Device
  • KIM, GIL-HO 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Quantum Semiconductor Nano Device Lab

[Research Interest]

- Quantum electron transport in semiconductor - Various electronic devices using two-dimensional materials - Quantum electron transport using two-dimensional material - Electronic properties in low-dimensional semiconductors - Quantum Computer - Bose-Einstein condensation in 2D materials

  • Assistant Professor Computer Architecture, System Software
  • KIM, JOONSUNG 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Computer Infrastructure System Architecture Lab

[Research Interest]

Computer Architecture/System Software, System Performance Modeling, Datacenter-scale Storage System Architecture, AI Accelerator Architecture, System Autotuning

KIM, JUNGRAE 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Computer Architecture
  • KIM, JUNGRAE 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Scalable Architecture Lab

[Research Interest]

Neural Processing Unit, Memory Sub-system, Distributed AI Computation, Communication-Computing Convergence, and Reliability

KIM, YUSUNG 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Intelligent Systems
    Lab Computer Systems & Intelligence Lab.

[Research Interest]

Intelligent Systems Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning System Optimization

KO, JONG HWAN 사진 more
  • Assistant Professor AI HW and Systems
  • KO, JONG HWAN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab IRIS Lab

[Research Interest]

On-device machine learning, AI processor, Neuromorphic computing

KUC, TAE YONG 사진 more
  • Professor Intelligent Robotics
  • KUC, TAE YONG 홈페이지 바로가기

[Research Interest]

Intelligent Robotics and Intelligent Control Learning and Adaptation Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Intelligent Robotic System Architecture & SI Multi-robot Coordination and Control

LEE, JAE HYUNG 사진 more
  • Professor 반도체
  • LEE, JAE HYUNG 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Energy and Nano Photovoltaic Laboratory (ENPL)

[Research Interest]

- Design and fabrication technologies of ultra-high efficiency solar cells based on heterojunction - Flexible transparent electronic devices like UV sensor, photovoltaic cell, thin-film transistor (TFT), etc. - High-performance optoelectronic devices based on nano and two-dimensional materials such as photo-detectors, solar cells, etc. - Design and fabrication technologies of high-power/light-weight/semi-transparent photovoltaic module and system - Smart windows for high efficiency energy saving - Development of output power forecasting model and economic feasibility analysis of photovoltaic system

LEE, JUWON 사진 more
  • Associate Professor 2D materials-based Semiconductor Devices
  • LEE, JUWON 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Next-generation Nano Semiconductor Device lab
LEE, SUNG KIL 사진 more
  • Professor Computer Graphics
  • LEE, SUNG KIL 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Computer Graphics Lab.

[Research Interest]

GPU rendering, Deep Learning, VR, GPU algorithms, Optics, Global illumination

  • Associate Professor Integrated Circuits & Systems Design
  • LEE, YOONMYUNG 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Integrated Circuits & Systems Design Lab.

[Research Interest]

Ultra-low power analog/digital circuit design Energy harvesting & Power management mm-scale sensor platform design Neuromorphic & Machine Learning Accelerators IoT security IP Low power digital circuits

LIM, WANSU 사진 more
  • Professor Signal processing, AI
  • LIM, WANSU 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Intelligent Signal Processing Lab

[Research Interest]

- Exploring TinyML for Internet of Things Applications - Investigating Pre/Post Optimization Techniques for Deep Learning Models - Advancing Military Communication and Networking Technologies - Analyzing Electric Vehicle Battery States using Machine Learning Algorithms - Computational Imaging and Perception

PARK, HOGUN 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Machine learning on graphs, Natural language processing, Explainable AI
  • PARK, HOGUN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab LearnData laboratory

[Research Interest]

Machine Learning, Explainable AI(XAI), Knowledge Discovery, Relational learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Graph Mining

PARK, HYUN JIN 사진 more
  • Professor
  • PARK, HYUN JIN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Medical Image Processing Lab

[Research Interest]

Image processing methods for medical imagery including image registration and segmentation. Medical image analysis for cancer management. Computer vision (including deep learning) application to medical imagery. Applications in neuroimaging analysis, radiomics, and imaging genetics.

  • Assistant Professor ASIC for Machine Learning, Neuromorphic
    Lab Intelligent Digital Systems Lab
SHIN, DONG KUN 사진 more
  • Professor Intelligent Embedded Systems
  • SHIN, DONG KUN 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Intelligent Embedded Systems

[Research Interest]

Machine Learning Optimization, On-Device AI, ML Accelerator (NPU/PIM), OS/File systems, Storage

SHIN, JITAE 사진 more
  • Professor Image/Video Signal Processing
  • SHIN, JITAE 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Media System Lab.

[Research Interest]

Deep Learning Algorithm Image/Video Signal Processing Medical Image Processing and System Image/Video Communication and System

SON, DONGHEE 사진 more
  • Associate Professor Self-Healing Stretchable Bioelectronics
  • SON, DONGHEE 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Self-Healing Flexible Bio-Integrated Electronics

[Research Interest]

1. Self-healing Electronics 2. Stretchable, Flexible, Wearable Electronics 3. Implantable, Transient Electronics 4. Multifunctional Soft Neural Interfaces

  • Assistant Professor Intelligent Semiconductor Electronic and System
  • YOO, JAEYOUNG 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab Intelligent Semiconductor Electronic and System Laboratory

[Research Interest]

Micro/Nanofabrication, Semiconductor electronics, Intelligent wireless electronic system